Saturday, December 29, 2012

Broken, Beat and Scarred...The Ghosts of Relationships past. 12/30 by Love Relationships with Syd Ger | Blog Talk Radio

Broken, Beat and Scarred...The Ghosts of Relationships past. 12/30 by Love Relationships with Syd Ger | Blog Talk Radio

Listen as Success Integration Coach Syd Vitale and Intuitive Relationship Coach Geralyn St Joseph discuss “Broken, Beat and Scarred…the Ghosts of Relationships past”
Here’s the thing-Ger is MUCH better at PR than I am. She wanted to call the show “The Ghosts of Relationships past”…which I agree is an amazing title…
AND…how do we all deal with our “stuff”…?  I mean, you do realize that everything you have ever been through makes you who you are…right??  
How do we learn to embrace who we are in spite of our past realtionships…?
Join Success Integration Coach Syd Vitale and Intuitive Relationship Coach Geralyn St Joseph to discuss “The Ghosts of relationships past”.
Let Success Integration Coach Syd Vitale and Intuitive Relationship Coach Geralyn St Joseph lead you from limiting beliefs to limitless love!
Visit for more info
Call Geralyn at            808 261-7866       email
Syd Vitale

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Sign of the Times - Time for REAL Change

For the past several months I have been receiving frantic phone calls from clients with anxiety, nightmares and a general sense of impending doom. Many peoples’ lives seem to be in chaos. With the approaching end of the Mayan calendar, our futures were in question. All of humanity seems to feel something coming, but what?

This period of time is very difficult on everyone, but is felt more strongly by sensitive individuals. The key is to realize that you are not alone, you are not crazy and chances are that what you are feeling is not personal. By not personal I mean, what is happening is global. Even though the affects can feel personal, the effect is global.

It is time to change. It is time to regain our moral compass and our connection to God, the Universe and Mother Earth. The heightened interest in Spirituality, Eastern Medicine and the mind-body-spirit connection are symptoms of the times. In order to change the outer structures, we need to change our inner voices.

The structures around us, those that truly support us, are not man-made. The structures that truly support us as beings are energetic, spiritual and then physical. The man-made structures built around us were originally designed to support our growth and give us more time for introspection and spiritual pursuits. Many of these things have backfired.

Most of these man-made structures need major overhauls. In America in 2008 the populace cried out for change, unaware that the change can only happen if it begins within us. Our world is rampant with disillusionment and fear. At the same time there exists a growing movement of Truth and Joy. These two camps are pulling further and further apart, in thought, expression, action and vibration.

Eventually when the vibrational frequency of these two groups is polarized enough, one will apparently cease to exist. Is this the Rapture described in the Bible? Those who act out of pure compassion and love, those who follow in the Christ’s footsteps by following the Universal Laws will apparently cease to exist to those trapped in the vibration of apathy and fear. Is this the shift spoken of in so many ancient cultures like the Mayans?

In popular culture we cry out for freedom of thought and word yet punish those who voice opinions different than our own. Is this Truth? Will we allow might to continue to make right? Our monetary systems are arbitrary at best. What do you have to offer your fellow citizens when these things shift or even cease to exist? Gold? Jewels? Or something more valuable, like compassion and support.

Now is the time to be who you truly be. The astrology** reflects this as a time of reckoning. The façade of the 50s gave way to the hippie culture of the 60s, but have we come a long way, baby? What have we accomplished? Our greed and short-sightedness have created a polluted, dying world in chaos. Yet we can see heaven just around the corner. Are we delusional? Or are we simply optimistic?

Let us reach deep to find the best in ourselves. Let us reach down to our roots where we are all connected in Spirit. Let us find our common ground, celebrate our cultures, heal our planet and move forward in compassion and grace. BE the change you want to see in the world, because you are the only one who can be who you be.

Blessings and God’s Grace to ALL!


Geralyn St Joseph
Wholistic University
Lancaster, PA 17554
808 261-7866

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Now is the time to resolve to make our world a better place.

Monday, December 24, 2012

We just finished our fifth show!

Hey everyone!

 It's hard to believe that we just finished our fifth show.  Geralyn and I tend to get into these very involved discussions about all kinds of things—relationships, coaching, goals, values communication, motivation, the list goes on and on.  Usually, somewhere in the middle of the conversation, one of us would say “We should be recording this!” So now, not only do we record a lot of our conversations but we also decided to start doing a radio show. Geralyn has lots of experience doing shows. Me? Well, not so much, but I am learning and having a great time. Thanks so much for joining us and we will do our best to give you lots to think about.

It’s funny, when we first started, I wondered how we would fill an half an hour... 

As the show IS only 30 minutes, Geralyn and I realized that we would almost certainly have much more to say on most topics. So we thought it might be a good idea to start a blog. I wanted to start doing this right after the first session but we both have so many things in the works at the moment that it's taken until now to get things going.

One of our goals for the show is to have it be interactive. If there's something you'd like us to talk about or you have any questions, comments or feedback, please drop us a note or give a call. We also both currently have coaching sessions available if there’s something you’d like some help with. You can reach me at 717-290-1736 or You can reach Geralyn at 808-261-7866 or We’re on Facebook—our page is called Syd and Geralyn and you can also contact us at

You may have heard me say during the show that a huge part of a good relationship comes down to communication.  I use the phrase “managing expectations”. Managing expectations means that you think about your actions and what results they might bring, and you discuss them with your partner if at all possible before you take those actions. Many times things that can cause stress in a relationship happen because one person doesn’t understand the other person's motivation and actions.  If you simply talk about things (I know it’s a radical idea) many misunderstandings can be avoided totally.

What I'd like to do whenever I do a blog post is to give you something to try with your partner. The purpose is to help improve your communication, your awareness and to have some fun together.  I'd like to suggest that you keep these exercises light and playful. This isn't heavy duty therapy here it's just something to bat around and play with.  Remember the goal here is simply to spend some time with your partner and to enjoy yourselves. After all isn't that supposed to be one of the benefits of being in a relationship?

Exercise #1 - Perceptual Positions
Take a moment to think back to a discussion that you had with your partner recently. It can be just about anything. It can even be something that the two of you didn't totally agree on. (Hint: that's my positive spin or "reframe" on what some people call a disagreement).  Got one? Good.

1) Now what I want you to do is replay or reenact it.
Stay detached--almost like you're reading a script.
Run through the exchange the way you remember it from start to finish.
Once you're done, rewind it back to the beginning and do it again, but this time I want you to imagine that you've switched places with your partner and you’re speaking as them.
 Just imagine for a moment that you are them, experiencing what they experience during the discussion. If it was a "disagreement", you're now on the other side. Go through the conversation again, experiencing it from the other side. Notice what you notice.
 What are you saying, as them?
What are you feeling, as them?
What do things look like through their eyes?
Take a few minutes to contemplate this perspective

2) Go back to the beginning of the conversation again. This time when you replay it, imagine the situation from a third person’s view; In other words, watching yourself and your partner as if you are watching two friends have a discussion. Again take it from beginning to end.
Pay particular attention to the space between those two people (you and your partner).
How do the two of you look?
How do you sound?
 What feelings do you get while watching this from a third person position?
Take a few minutes to contemplate this perspective

3) We've got one more. This time as you run the show, imagine that you’re way up above the situation. Some people call this the God position. This time experience the situation as you might if you were God or Spirit or the Field. Whatever you'd like to call it is fine. What we are going for here is a perceptual position that is way up above what's going on down there. This is a position which is all seeing and all knowing.
What does that feel like?
What do you notice now?
When you're in this position not only do you experience the conversation, but all things that are going on around it as well.
Take some time to talk about the different things you experienced in each of the different perceptual positions.
Looking back on that situation, how does it seem different now?

Well that should give you something to chew on for a little while. You may find that some of our blog posts will have a very obvious tie in to that week's show and other posts will have a different kind of connection. It's just another part of our journey as we take you from limiting beliefs to limitless love.

Syd Vitale, Success Integration Coach

Geralyn St Joseph
Wholistic University
Lancaster, PA 17554
808 261-7866
©2012 Syd Vitale and Geralyn St Joseph all rights reserved
Sharing of material is permitted with acknowledgement of authors 

We Survived 2012

It's 12/22/12 and we are still here. I don't believe that the Mayan calendar meant the world would end--but that we would be trance--formed.

I felt a very strange sensation Thursday night--tough to describe to those of you (and by you, I include myself) who aren’t as in tune as Geralyn is… It felt like I was carrying the collective anxiety of the world on my shoulders. Those of you who know me are used to hearing me say “I have big shoulders, I can handle it”. This was different.  I ran it past Ger and she said—“Welcome to my world”.  (Not the most helpful response I’ve ever had from her but she is right—a lot of this stuff is new to me.) I am still trying to process what I experienced.

So much has happened recently that I am unable to make sense of. 

I freely admit that (if you haven’t noticed), I have some very strong opinions. I also acknowledge that I can get caught up in wanting to “be right”.  I think if we “chunk up” on our thought process, we all want to make the world a better place. We are just divided on the methods of how to do so. we are. For all intents and purposes, you have a clean slate. You can do and be anything you want. What will you do...NOW?

 I'm interested to hear responses--I personally plan on doing a lot more writing and do everything I can to make sure that I keep my interactions with people are rooted in Love.

Merry Christmas to all and to all…a…that’s right… J

Written by Syd Vitale
Geralyn St Joseph
Wholistic University
Lancaster, PA 17554
808 261-7866

Surviving Loss - How to Handle Grief in your Relationship by Love Relationships with Syd Ger | Blog Talk Radio

Surviving Loss - How to Handle Grief in your Relationship 12/17 by Love Relationships with Syd Ger | Blog Talk Radio
Starts at 25 seconds due to technical difficulties.

Listen as Success Integration Coach Syd Vitale and Intuitive Relationship Coach Geralyn St Joseph discuss Surviving Loss - How to Handle Grief in your Relationship
During the holidays we tend to reminisce about the past - good or bad. This can be fun or it can be sad when someone you love is no longer present. How do you handle sorrow? Grief and loss? How does your partner? Can you be supportive while processing your own grief? What does that support look like? 
Join Success Integration Coach Syd Vitale and Intuitive Relationship Coach Geralyn St Joseph to discuss Surviving Loss - How to Handle Grief in your Relationship
Let Success Integration Coach Syd Vitale and Intuitive Relationship Coach Geralyn St Joseph lead you from limiting beliefs to limitless love!
Visit for more info
Call Geralyn at             808 261-7866             email
Call Syd at             717 290-1736             email

Geralyn St Joseph
Wholistic University
Lancaster, PA 17554
808 261-7866

Saturday, December 8, 2012

When Families Attack! – Surviving Family Dynamics on Blog Talk Radio

Listen as Success Integration Coach Syd Vitale and Intuitive Relationship Coach Geralyn St Joseph discuss: When Families Attack! – Surviving Family Dynamics

Last week we discussed how Holiday Dinner is often one of the most stressful events of the year. Although the holidays can be hard, Family dynamics are there consistently and can rear its ugly head at any time.  It happens whether you are near your families or not – and it affects your relationship.

There’s nothing that will test your level of sanity more than sitting around a table sharing a meal together at the holidays. [Well, maybe a LONG road trip] You know CERTAIN THINGS will come up in conversation, AND embarrassing stories will be told…or worse, pictures will be shown. How do you handle it? What do you do if your partner is being embarrassed or harassed by family? How do you know what’s normal for them? And what’s REALLY a problem?

“They” say YOU can choose your friends, but you can’t choose your family.  [Ger has a different take on that which I know you’ll find as interesting/insightful as I do.]

So once you enter into a relationship with someone, you also enter into THEIR family relationship. What do you do if her family can’t stand you? AND they let you know it. What do you do if his family seems to like YOU better than HIM-and shows it with little vocal “barbs” at a family gathering? What will you do when everyone gets along—until “Crazy Uncle Bob” shows up and all hell breaks loose?

 I wonder just how many new coping skills you may learn by listening in to When Families Attack! – Surviving Family Dynamics …This show is gonna be fun!

Let Success Integration Coach Syd Vitale and Intuitive Relationship Coach Geralyn St Joseph lead you from limiting beliefs to limitless love!

Call Geralyn at            808 261-7866       email
Call Syd  at            717 290-1736       email

Geralyn St Joseph
Wholistic University
Lancaster, PA 17554
808 261-7866

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Families And The Holidays...Will Your Relationship Survive? 12/02 by Love Relationships with Syd Ger | Blog Talk Radio

Families And The Holidays...Will Your Relationship Survive? 12/02 by Love Relationships with Syd Ger | Blog Talk Radio

Listen as Success Integration Coach Syd Vitale and Intuitive Relationship Coach Geralyn St Joseph discuss  Families And The Holidays…How Can Your Relationship Possibly Survive?
It’s beginning to look a lot like Stress-mas!

The holidays bring up a really fun (or not) topic—Family Dynamics.  There’s nothing that will test your level of sanity more than sitting around a table sharing a meal together at the holidays. You know CERTAIN THINGS will come up in conversation. We are supposed to be thankful….AND, sometimes-maybe it doesn’t work out that way.

“They” say You can choose your friends, but you can’t choose your family.  Ger has a different take on that which I know you’ll find as interesting/insightful as I do.So once you enter into a relationship with someone, you also enter into THEIR family relationship. What do you do if her family can’t stand you? What do you do if his family seems to like YOU better than HIM-and shows it with little vocal “barbs” at a family gathering? What will you do when everyone gets along—until “Crazy Uncle Bob” shows up at the turkey dinner?I wonder just how many new coping skills you may learn by listening in…Grab hold of your giblets & hang on tight, this show is gonna be fun!

Let Success Integration Coach Syd Vitale and Intuitive Relationship Coach Geralyn St Joseph lead you from limiting beliefs to limitless love!

Call Geralyn at 808 261-7866 email
Call Syd  at 717 290-1736 email

Geralyn St Joseph
Wholistic University
Lancaster, PA 17554
808 261-7866

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Why am I feeling like this?!? Navigating 2013

Are you feeling upset? Angry? Anxious? Maybe a little crazy?
You're probably not crazy, just experiencing what so many people are...the shift. There has been so much talk lately of 2012 and the end times. What does it mean? What does it mean for us as individuals?

As many move forward in fear and anxiety, you can change your perspective and move forward in hope. Understand what's happening to you and the world around you.
You can go with the flow of the Universe or you can struggle against it. It's your choice.
Knowledge and Understanding can be powerful tools. 

Geralyn St Joseph
Your Psychic for these modern times
Lancaster, PA 17554
808 261-7866

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Relationship Coach Syd Vitale 11/03 by Geralyn St Joseph | Blog Talk Radio

Relationship Coach Syd Vitale 11/03 by Geralyn St Joseph | Blog Talk Radio

I interview Syd in this one. Worth a listen!

Geralyn St Joseph
Wholistic University
Lancaster, PA 17554
808 261-7866

Addicted to Chaos - The Stormy Side of Love and Romance 11/12 by Love Relationships with Syd Ger | Blog Talk Radio

Addicted to Chaos - The Stormy Side of Love and Romance 11/12 by Love Relationships with Syd Ger | Blog Talk Radio

Listen as Success Integration Coach Syd Vitale and Intuitive Relationship Coach Geralyn St Joseph discuss Addicted to Chaos - the Stormy Side of Love and Romance.
Can your relationships be described as “stormy”?  How do you and your partner define excitement?  Do you find that “make-up sex” is the best sex you experience?  Is a healthy relationship always a series of ups and downs? If you and your partner DON’T have those ups and downs, is it a sign that the relationship is not passionate? What does a healthy relationship look like to you?
Join Success Integration Coach Syd Vitale and Intuitive Relationship Coach Geralyn St Joseph to discuss Addicted to Chaos.
Let Success Integration Coach Syd Vitale and Intuitive Relationship Coach Geralyn St Joseph lead you from limiting beliefs to limitless love!
Visit for more info
Call Geralyn at 808 261-7866 email
Call Syd  at 717 290-1736 email

Geralyn St Joseph
Wholistic University
Lancaster, PA 17554
808 261-7866

Friday, November 2, 2012

Now for 5 GOOD reasons to be alone by Love Relationships with Syd Ger | Blog Talk Radio

Now for 5 GOOD reasons to be alone 09/23 by Love Relationships with Syd Ger | Blog Talk Radio

Listen as Success Integration Coach Syd Vitale and Intuitive Relationship Coach Geralyn St Joseph discuss 5 GOOD Reasons To Be Alone.  Last time we talked about 5 reasons you are alone. That was based on the premise that you wanted to be in a relationship but maybe there were things keeping you from being ready (perhaps even on an unconscious level).  During this session, we’re going to take a look at some of the good, valid reasons to spend some time by yourself.
Join Success Integration Coach Syd Vitale and Intuitive Relationship Coach Geralyn St Joseph to discuss 5 GOOD Reasons To Be Alone.
Let Success Integration Coach Syd Vitale and Intuitive Relationship Coach Geralyn St Joseph lead you from limiting beliefs to limitless love!
Visit for more info
Call Geralyn at            808 261-7866       email
Call Syd  at            717 290-1736       email

Geralyn St Joseph
Wholistic University
Lancaster, PA 17554
808 261-7866

Testing Our Relationships 10/28 by Love Relationships with Syd Ger | Blog Talk Radio

Testing Our Relationships by Love Relationships with Syd Ger | Blog Talk Radio

Whether we want to admit it or not, we ALL test our relationships. We need to know what we are building towards and if our partner has what it takes to stand by us. Some people will actually manipulate or create situations, while others will use what comes up naturally and simply watch your natural reactions.
We need to know how our partners react to stress, if they will support us in difficult times and if they help us with our own stress. 
Listen in to learn more...

Geralyn St Joseph
Wholistic University
Lancaster, PA 17554
808 261-7866

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Healing with Christ Energy Class

Healing with Christ Energy

Jesus the Christ healed others in various ways; through his words, with his hands and remotely. He left us a legacy of energetic healing that we can all tap into. Learn how to use your Christ energy to help heal yourself and others.

Enjoy an afternoon of discovery and healing with Geralyn St Joseph

Saturday, October 27 at Unity Church of Palmyra 1pm class is @ 4hrs

We will:
          Awaken the Christ Energy within
          Connect with Spirit
          Learn how to focus this energy with a specific Purpose
          Discover how to flow Christ Energy in your everyday life
          Start using this Christ connection to heal yourself and
Facilitate the healing of others
          Find out how to direct Christ Energy to heal your relationships

Cost: $75 for Unity Church Participants [Regularly $100]            Class size is limited
Financial Hardship discount is available for those in need contact Geralyn 808 261-7866

Who is Geralyn St Joseph?
Geralyn recently relocated to PA from her true home of Kailua, Hawaii. She was an active member of Unity of Hawaii as the Uniteens instructor for many years. She taught ‘Playing with Energy’ at Palmyra Unity & hopes to continue sharing her gifts in this area.
            For more information on Geralyn & the services & classes she offers call 808 261-7866 go to:  or simply search her name on Google

Geralyn St Joseph
Wholistic University
Lancaster, PA 17554
808 261-7866